Friday, October 28, 2016

Shadow Puppet, Kiddle, and Schoology Rubrics and CK-12

What is it:  Shadow Puppet is an iPad app that allows students to create their own interactive books.  

How it works:  Students take pictures or video with their iPad, or find images online or using Google Maps.  Students then put them in order and can voice over each slide to tell a story, facts about a topic, or other information.  Final products can then be submitted through Google Classroom or by saving to the camera roll and uploading through Seesaw.  You are limited to 10 pictures or videos to narrate.

What is it: is a kid-friendly search engine that filters out (most) questionable content.

How it works:  Have students go to and type in any topic they are looking for.  Although no filters are perfect, this does a very good job filtering out questionable content.  This is a great alternative to Google or other search engines.  From my examples, most resources found are also geared towards kids both in terms of the source and reading level.

There are a few features in Schoology I wanted to share that can be very useful!


What is it:  In Schoology, you can add any rubrics that you use for projects, papers, or lab reports.  

How it works:  In your assignment or from your Gradebook Setup page, you can add rubrics of any size and criteria. Once a rubric is entered, it is available in any of your classes.  These rubrics are available to your students to see the requirements for an assignment.  When grading, you simply click on the appropriate square in the rubric and it automatically tallies the points for you.  Students can also see where they scored on each rubric, which provides quality and timely feedback.

To watch a video on how this works, click here.

CK-12 in Schoology!

What is it:  In Schoology, you can access and CK-12 text, videos, assessments, and real world examples for any grade math and science curriculum!

How it works:  When adding any resource to a Schoology course, there is now an option that pops up for CK-12.  Simply click on this, search for your content, and add to your course!  You can also access anything you have already saved to your resources in the CK-12 website.

For my video tutorial on how this works, click here!

Friday, October 14, 2016

SAS Curriculum, JEOPARDY!, and Google News

What is it:  SAS Curriculum is a free, interactive, supplemental curriculum site for multiple disciplines and grade levels.  Create a course to have students complete activities, or have then complete activities without a course. All activities are searchable by grade level, subject, activity type, and by number.  Everything from games to flashcards to writing, there is a little of everything.

What is it: This is the easiest Jeopardy! template I have every seen or used.  Simply put in your categories, questions, and answers, then click on the "Get Link Here" tab at the bottom and follow the instructions.  Allows you keep score by team within the template.  Easy to use and looks neat and clean when being used!

What is it: is an online collection of American newspapers dating back to 1779.  The majority of papers published in the US have at least some versions published here.  Papers are searchable by event (ex. Lincoln Assassination), name of paper, and date.  A great way to add a first person view to any historical event discussed in class.